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Core Maths

Maths is for everyone; it is diverse, engaging and essential and equips students with the right skills to reach their destinations, whatever that may be.

Level Three Core Maths is a one year course designed for students who have achieved a grade 4 or above at GCSE. It helps to develop students’ mathematical prowess and thinking skills while supporting other A level courses such as Psychology, Geography, Economics and the Sciences, as well as the technical and vocational qualifications to name but a few.

Core maths is equivalent to an AS level qualification and attracts the same number of UCAS points.


Subject heading and Exam Board

What is Mathematics?

Core Maths is a new Level 3 course for students who achieve a Grade 4 pass or above at GCSE Maths. The qualification is designed to prepare students for the mathematical demands of work, study and life. The course helps to develop students’ mathematical thinking skills and sup-ports courses such as A-level Psychology, Biology, Geography and Busi-ness Studies as well as technical and vocational qualifications.

Why study it?

There has been a tremendous amount of coverage in the Media recently about the UK’s gap in basic maths skills. This puts young people in the UK at a major disadvantage in the global job market.

Course Structure and Your Future


Core Maths is a one year course, designed to be taken at the end of Year 12.


A broad specification which develops statistics, in particular critically analysing data, from GCSE and percentages work in terms of personal finance.

The second unit moves onto higher level statistics including modelling real life data, making predictions and carrying out hypothesis tests, the normal distribution as well as correlation and regression.

What next?

Although Core Maths is a new course, already universities and employers from all different sectors are firmly behind the Core Maths qualification. Many roles in today’s workplace require high levels of budget management and problem-solving skills; Core Maths will be a useful tool in equipping you with these skills.