In this Section

Entry at age 16 to the Sixth Form

The Sixth Form Prospectus is available on the school’s website and issued in December to Year 11 students presently attending Conyers School and the school’s Sixth Form Open Evening is held on the second Tuesday in January each year from 7.00 – 9.00 p.m.

The Governing Body has responsibility for admissions to the School and the anticipated capacity for the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) is 300 students.

To apply for a place at Conyers Sixth Form, an applicant must complete the Application Form available on the website and return it to the Sixth Form by the date specified in the Sixth Form Prospectus. Further admission details are on the school’s website,

Conyers School’s policy is to ensure that all students accepted into the Sixth Form are placed on appropriate courses where they are likely to succeed. For this reason, all applicants are asked to attend a meeting with members of the school’s staff to discuss the most suitable courses of study.

‘A’ Level Entry Requirements
(including grade 4 or better in Maths & English)

From September 2017 all A level courses will have reformed specifications. The main difference between these new specifications and the old specifications is that performance at AS level no longer contributes to the final ‘A’ level result. Conyers Sixth Form has therefore decided that students who enroll on A level courses will not be entered for AS exams at the end of Year 12. The basic entry requirements are five or more GCSEs at grade C or grade 4. Guidance about the number of A level courses students should study is as follows:

• Students who achieve fewer than five ‘6’ grades study three A level courses

• Students who achieve six ‘6’ grades and four ‘7’ grades study three A level courses plus either an EPQ or Core Mathematics

• Students who achieve five or more ‘7’ grades have the option to study four A level courses

Students who do not achieve a grade 4 or more in Mathematics or an English GCSE will be considered for admission for a three A level programme plus Maths or English resit if they have five or more ‘6’ grades.

BTEC Extended Diploma Entry Requirements
(including grade 4 or better in Maths & English)

• Students who achieve four ‘4’ grades or above at GCSE will be considered for a BTEC Extended Diploma course
A final decision about the number of courses will be confirmed at enrolment.

Where courses are oversubscribed, priority places are given to students who:


The student and /or parents of students, internal or external, who are offered a place, have the right to appeal against non-admission.

False Information

Where the school has made an offer of a place in the Sixth Form on the basis of a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application which has effectively denied a place in the Sixth Form to a student with a higher level of priority, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.

Late Applications

If an application is received after the deadline outlined in the prospectus, this will be considered late. Unless exceptional circumstances apply (or example hospitalisation of student or parent or if a family has just moved into the area) late applications will be considered after the allocation of places. If the Sixth Form is full, late applicants will be placed on the waiting list in the order of oversubscription criteria. Evidence will be required of exceptional circumstances.

Applications received after the start of the academic year will only be considered before 31 October (unless the student is moving into the area and following a broadly similar programme of study in a similar institution). Applications after the start of the year will only be considered if there are places available on the requested courses and the student meets the minimum entry requirements.