Key Stage 4
Key Stage 4 Intention
- Strong core for all students that ensures students are able to make a successful transition to post 16 education, employment or training
- Sufficient guided choice to allow students to focus on areas of interest while maintaining breadth
- All students are taught the 3 sciences separately. The most able 90 students get 3 qualifications.
- A modern language GCSE is part of the core for most Key Stage 4 students. Students can choose an additional language for one of their options.
- All students do full course GCSE RE, starting the course in Year 9. Many key citizenship themes are covered in RE.
- Core PE is 2 hours per fortnight which is less than the national expectation. Every year about a third of the cohort choose a PE option and students are encouraged to lead active and healthy lifestyles. There are a wide range of extra curriculum sporting opportunities.
- Option blocks are based on students’ choices. Technical courses are offered.
- Some lower (c10) ability students do not study Modern languages and only choose two options. They are given support for their literacy skills and the opportunity to complete a Princes Trust qualification.
Alternative provision is arranged for the small number of students (c5) who are unlikely to make a success of our Key Stage 4 offer. These placements are at registered providers with some being part time and other full time depending on the needs of the students