Business Studies
Mrs G Lawrence (Head of Department) | |
Mr L Matterson | |
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map
Curriculum Intent
KS4 Business Studies students will:
Know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society. They should be able to apply knowledge and understanding to contemporary business issues and to different types and sizes of businesses in local, national and global contexts.
We aim to develop our students as enterprising individuals with the ability to think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen, and draw on evidence to make informed business decisions and solve business problems are effective and independent students, and create critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds to help make informed judgements using their knowledge and quantitative data analysis.
Key Knowledge and Skills
AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of business concepts and issues.
AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of business concepts and issues to a variety of contexts.
AO3: Analyse and evaluate business information and issues to demonstrate an understanding of business activity, make judgements and draw conclusions.
Sequence Discussion
In Year 10 students begin with 3.1 which provides students with an introduction to the business ownership and entrepreneurial skills and qualities required to run a business. 3.2 considers the environment in which businesses operate and the influences on them that businesses do not have control over. These are the core units that are both assessed on both Paper 1 and 2 at the end of the course. The remainder of the course concerns the study of the main functional areas within a business. Study of 3.4 HRM follows on from employment laws studied in 3.2 Influences on Business. These 3 units are assessed at the end of Year 10 exam. Operations follow 3.4 as these are both assessed on Paper 1 at the end of the course along with 3.1 and 3.2. 3.5 and 3.6 are assessed on Paper 2 only along with 3.1 and 3.2.
Year 10
Half Term 1
3.1 Business in the Real World
Half Term 2
3.1 Business in the Real World
Half Term 3
3.2 Influences on Business
Half Term 4
3.2 Influences on Business
Half Term 5
3.4 Human Resources
Half Term 6
3.4 Human Resources
Year 11
Half Term 1
3.3 Business Operations
Half Term 2
3.5 Marketing
Half Term 3
3.5 Marketing
Half Term 4
3.6 Finance