Enterprise and Marketing
Mrs G Lawrence (Head of Department) | glawrence@conyers.org.uk |
Mr L Matterson | lmatterson@conyers.org.uk |
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map
Curriculum Intent
KS4 Enterprise and Marketing students will:
Know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society. Apply knowledge and understanding to contemporary business issues and to different types and sizes of businesses in local, national and global contexts.
Develop as enterprising individuals with the ability to think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen, and draw on evidence to make informed business decisions and solve business problems. Develop as effective and independent students, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds to help make informed judgements
Key Knowledge and Skills
A secure foundation of knowledge on Enterprise and Marketing
Ability to plan and analyse real-life business scenarios.
Develop skills in creativity to design and market a brand identity.
To evaluate current business practices and their own contributions they can make in a business context.
Sequence Discussion
LO1 will develop essential knowledge and understanding of enterprise and marketing concepts, which can be applied to the other units within the qualification. Through the first topic learners will understand the main activities that will need to happen to support a start-up business, and what the key factors are to consider when starting up a business. In RO65 learners will develop the skills to design a business proposal to meet a specific business challenge. They will identify a customer profile for a specific product, complete market research to generate product design ideas, and use financial calculations to propose a pricing strategy and determine the viability of their product proposal. The knowledge and skills developed by completing this unit will assist learners in the third topic of this qualification. Students need to complete the OCR-set assignment for Unit R065 before they start the OCR-set assignment for Unit R066. For RO66 learners will develop the skills to create a brand identity and promotional plan for their specific business product proposal developed in the second topic. They will develop pitching skills in order to pitch their business proposal to an external audience. Finally, they will review their pitching skills and business proposal using their learning, self-assessment and feedback gathered.
Year 10
Half Term 1
R064 Enterprise and marketing concepts
R065 Design a business proposal
Half Term 2
R064 Enterprise and marketing concepts
R065 Design a business proposal
Half Term 3
R064 Enterprise and marketing concepts
R065 Design a business proposal
Half Term 4
R064 Enterprise and marketing concepts
Half Term 5
R064 Enterprise and marketing concepts
Half Term 6
R064 Enterprise and marketing concepts
Year 11
Half Term 1
R066: Market and pitch a business proposal
Half Term 2
R064 Enterprise and marketing concepts
Half Term 3
R064 Enterprise and marketing concepts
R066: Market and pitch a business proposal
Half Term 4
R066: Market and pitch a business proposal
Half Term 5
Revision/Preparation for any R064 Resits.
Half Term 6
Revision/Preparation for any R064 Resits.