In this Section


Chris Rance (Head of Department)

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map

Curriculum Intent

To develop logical and creative skills that will create an end product for a specific client
To have an understanding of how ICT and Computing can be applied to a professional environment.
To have an understanding of the life of a digital device, the threats that can challenge and the solutions that are available.

Key Knowledge and Skills

Students will be given the opportunity to explore a range of creative multimedia skills and techniques. Planning forms a big aspect of this course and is something that students will be taught in the first unit. Adobe software packages such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver will be used to create solutions to given scenarios. Decomposition and planning to meet a brief will therefore be consistent skill that will need to be developed over each unit. The course is 75% NEA and 25% external exam. The exam unit is referenced in all.

Sequence Discussion

R081 is a pre-production unit that is applied to all of the units that we undertake. This, therefore, is an obvious option for the first unit to complete. The website unit is the first NEA to be completed this was chosen as it allows students to explore a range of multimedia techniques that can help with other units. R082 will see students creating and editing a digital graphic using Photoshop. This has been chosen to be taken after the website unit as students will have already looked at a range of target audiences and how images can be used to target a specific audience. The final unit encompasses all of the previous three with students creating an interactive multimedia product using an array of skills from all units.

Year 10

Half Term 1

R085: Creating a multipage website
LO1: Understand the properties and features of multipage websites.
LO2: Be able to plan a mulitpage website

Half Term 2

R085: Creating a multipage website
LO3: Be able create multipage websites using using multimedia components.
LO4: Be able to review a multimedia website

Half Term 3

R082 – Creating Digital Graphics
LO1: Understand the purpose and properties of digital graphics
LO2: Be able to plan the creation of a digital graphic

Half Term 4

R082 – Creating Digital Graphics
LO3: Be able to create a digital graphic
LO4: Be able to review a digital graphic

Half Term 5

R087-Creating interactive multimedia products
LO1: Understand the uses and properties of interactive multimedia products
LO2: Be able to plan interactive multimedia products

Half Term 6

R087-Creating interactive multimedia products
LO3: Be able to create interactive multimedia products.
LO4: Be able to review interactive multimedia products

Year 11

Half Term 1

R081: Pre-Production skills
LO1: Understand the purpose and content of pre production.
LO2: Be able to plan pre-production.

Half Term 2

R081: Pre-Production skills
LO3: Be able to produce pre production documents.
LO4: Be able to produce pre production documents.

Half Term 3

Completion of outstanding work/preparation for RO81 resits.

Half Term 4

Completion of outstanding work/preparation for RO81 resits.