Fundamental British Values
The Fundamental British Values (FBV) are the ideals that underpin what it means to be a model citizen in the United Kingdom. At Conyers we promote 5 FBVs.
Value 1: Democracy
Democracy is about making sure that everyone has their voice heard. We aim to promote democracy at Conyers through:
- The Student Parliament
- Student Voice about Teaching and Learning
- Choosing the Stockton Representative for the Member of Youth Parliament.
Value 2: Rule of Law
The rule of law is what governs our society. It sets out what is expected of citizens of the UK. At Conyers we aim to promote the rule of law by:
- Having 3 clear school rules; Be Ready, Be Respectful and Safe.
- Educating Pupils on the Legal Frameworks that govern the United Kingdom
Value 3: Respect for different faiths and those without faith
It is important to recognise and respect the views and beliefs of people who are different to you. We aim to promote respect for others at Conyers by:
- Raising awareness of different faiths and beliefs as part of RE
- Educating pupils through PD on differences that exist within our local community
- Inviting in guest speakers as part of Focus Day and Diversity Week to talk about their faith.
Value 4: Equality and Diversity
Britain is a diverse society. Modern citizens need to embrace this difference and see it as a strength. We aim to celebrate diversity at Conyers by:
- Hosting an annual Diversity Week.
- Celebrating our local identity as part of Focus Day.
- Having an LGBT+ Student Group.
- Working closely with Middlesbrough Football Club on a campaign to tackle racism.
Value 5: Individual Liberty
Individual liberty means that you understand your rights and freedoms that you are entitled to as a citizen of the United Kingdom. At Conyers we promote individual liberty by:
- Maintaining our Rights Respecting School Gold Award.
- Educating pupils on their rights as citizens of the UK.
- Giving students choices about their education at every available opportunity.