Mr Sandhu (Head of Team) | hsandhu@conyers.org.uk | Mrs Hawthorne | jhawthorne@conyers.org.uk |
Mr Ahmed | wahmed@conyers.org.uk | Miss Kirk | bkirk@conyers.org.uk |
Mr Cass | mcass@conyers.org.uk | Miss Spark | gspark@conyers.org.uk |
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map
Curriculum Intent
KEY STAGE 3 – Aim to develop engaged learners who have a clear understanding of what major events and turning points have been pivotal in shaping the modern world they find themselves in; develop and refine students’ understanding of what it means to be a modern Briton; equip students with the ability to confidently and critically examine sources of information (past and present) and appreciate how and why the past has been constructed and how varying interpretations exist.
Key Knowledge and Skills
Year 7
AO1/2/3/4 – skills devt. focus on significance, causation.
Entire KS3 is enquiry based (coming out of research from SHP model); analytic enquiries based on judging or characterising the extent, nature or cause/consequence.
1066 – turning point in constructing modern Britain; breakdown of feudalism, authority, deference; significance of popular protest vs. socio economics re. change in medieval England; themes of exploration & empire explored and modern day Britain is explored through the lens of its colonial past – linking to values i.e. tolerance, diversity and respect.
Year 8
AO1/2/3/4 – skills devt. focus on source analysis, cause and consequence.
Struggle for equality moves to USA and race; Slavery – how and why happened, links to British Empire, abolition, Civil Rights movement – continued 21st C struggles for black and ethnic minorities in society.
Major study of causes of WW1, LT/ST/triggers – how tension escalates, how conflict arises. Linked enquiry to inter-war years, escalation of tension in Europe – last unit examines life under fascist Nazi rule, the difference between democracy and dictatorship and the consequences of socio-economic factors on the rise of extremists.
Year 9
AO1/2/3/4 – skills devt. focus on critical source analysis and evaluation of interpretation.
Linked to Y8 final unit – assessment of key turning points and causes of international tension post-1919 inc. outbreak of WW2. Democracy is examined in detail, as is political consciousness, fascism, extremism and the concept of totalitarianism. In depth study of rise of anti-semitism in Europe and the Holocaust with links to modern day genocides (Srebrenica).
Sequence Discussion
Year 7
1066 as first unit – foundation stone for ‘Modern Britain’ proceeds chronologically to enquiries on social and cultural developments for modern Britain. Early modern enquiry follows and builds on the idea of ‘empire’ and state from E1.
Assessment of lives of ordinary people woven into E2 + developed in E4 and E5. E5 builds upon the impact of empire but also seeks to develop students’ understanding of non-European societies (similar to E4) and fits with the aim of linking to modern day and understanding what it means to be a modern Briton as the legacy of Britain’s colonial past is explored.
Year 8
HT1 develops an understanding of equality, tolerance and continues to explore the idea of empire and the multicultural nature of modern Britain. Slavery and Civil rights done later in KS as it requires higher level of maturity and sensitive handling. Civil Rights unit follows chronologically from depth study of Slavery and gives breath understanding of experience of African Americans from 15th C to 21st C – links to modern Britain, themes of individual liberty, racism, discrimination and tolerance, citizenship, rule of law and respect explored. Examination of causation via WW1 enquiry links chronologically with Hitler’s rise – both units provide an excellent foundation for GCSE content beginning in Y9.
Year 9
HT1/2/3 = British Breadth study of interwar years and themes of conflict and tension in Europe. Proceeded directly and chronologically from causes of WW1 into Y9 with key turning points in British and modern European history explored inc. ToV, League of Nations, rise of right wing extremism in Germany, the Great Depression (links with Y10 GCSE U2 USA) Communism and left wing politics and socialism/Red Scare. E2 about the Holocaust chronologically and thematically fits with Hitler’s foreign policy objectives. Students have the maturity and basis of understanding to maximise the impact of learning about such a vital and sensitive topic which is the last compulsory learning in terms of History for all students.
Year 7
Half Term 1
Enquiry 1: Why did William win at the Battle of Hastings?
Half Term 2
Enquiry 2: Rats or Rebels? Which was more significant in improving the lives of ordinary people?
Half Term 3
Enquiry 2: Rats or Rebels? Which was more significant in improving the lives of ordinary people?
Enquiry 3: How far was Elizabethan England a Golden Age?
Half Term 4
Enquiry 3: How far was Elizabethan England a Golden Age?
Enquiry 4: Native Americans; A forgotten people?
Half Term 5
Enquiry 4: Native Americans; A forgotten people?
Enquiry 5: Friend or Foe? The impact of Britain’s empire
Half Term 6
Enquiry 5: Friend or Foe? The impact of Britain’s empire
Year 8
Half Term 1
Enquiry 1: How was Slavery abolished?
Half Term 2
Enquiry 2: How important was King in the struggle for equality?
Half Term 3
Enquiry 2: How important was King in the struggle for equality?
Enquiry 3: WW1; who done it?
Half Term 4
Enquiry 3: WW1; who done it?
Enquiry 5: The Suffragettes; Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?
Half Term 5
Enquiry 5: The Suffragettes; Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?
Enquiry 4: How and why was Hitler able to rise to power?
Half Term 6
Enquiry 4: How and why was Hitler able to rise to power?
Year 9
Half Term 1
Enquiry 1: Conflict and Tension (GCSE) Unit 1BB – Interwar Years (1919-1939)
Half Term 2
Enquiry 1: Conflict and Tension (GCSE) Unit 1BB – Interwar Years (1919-1939)
Half Term 3
Enquiry 1: Conflict and Tension (GCSE) Unit 1BB – Interwar Years (1919-1939)
Half Term 4
Enquiry 2: Holocaust – how was this genocide able to happen and where does blame lie?
Half Term 5
Enquiry 2: Holocaust – how was this genocide able to happen and where does blame lie?
Half Term 6
Enquiry 2: Holocaust – how was this genocide able to happen and where does blame lie?