In this Section

Communication and Interaction

Conyers School offer for Communication and Interaction Needs:

Quality First Teaching

Differentiation of activities

Environmental considerations

SEAL materials and interventions

Pastoral interventions: meeting and greeting; restorative practice; lunch clubs; school visits

Support for child/young person to express their views and aspirations

Personalised support to target identified areas of need

Flexible student groupings

Advice and guidance from ASD specialist

Training for staff:  understanding ASD; supporting Social Communication Difficulties; sensory processing issues

Access to individual support based on targets

Careful consideration of group dynamics in the class

Establish strategies to facilitate communication and to assess learning

SEND support targeted to support access for specific tasks/ settings

Small group support

Supporting specific areas of difficulty

Individual work on recognition and understanding of emotions

Access arrangements

Regular social skills group

Facilitate alternative recording strategies

Modified and adapted PE/ leisure sessions as required

ICT equipment as necessary to support curriculum access and examinations

Time limited intervention programmes with staff who have knowledge/ skills to address specific needs may include:  withdrawal for social interaction/ communication groups; Lego Therapy; Theraplay

Individual work around recognition and understanding of emotions, including personalised visual supports and resources/ interventions eg 5 point scale

Use of key working approaches

Peer awareness is actively promoted and embedded in everyday practice

Individual emotional ‘checking in’ and ‘checking out’ at the beginning and end of sessions/ day to encourage self-monitoring

Support child / young person to manage change and transition

Additional processing time

Broken down instructions and information

Access to calm and distraction free environments

Individual support to implement recommendations from Speech and Language Therapy service

Programmes to develop social interaction as per specialist guidance

Disapplication from certain subjects if appropriate within agreed timescale

Adult support to access an individualised curriculum

Planned support during break and lunch times

Exploring the student’s identity and understanding their needs/ diagnosis