In this Section

Identification of SEND

It is important that children’s special educational needs/disabilities are identified at an early stage in their lives. The earlier that action is taken the more responsive the child is likely to be.

To identify or acknowledge that children at Conyers have SEND we use a number of indicators:

The steps Conyers take if SEND is identified:

If SEND is identified the stages of action are:

Initial concerns expressed by parent, teachers, health or social services professional

SENCo gathers information, makes initial assessment and informs parents of outcomes

SENCo seeks further advice/ assessment from professional and outside agencies if required

If the young person is identified as SEND the SENCo will provide teachers, parents and the child with advice, strategies and provision suited to support their needs.

If you think your child has SEND you can raise concerns via your child’s form tutor, class teacher, year manager or contact the the SEND Support Team at