In this Section

Cognition and Learning

Conyers School offer for Cognition and Learning Needs:

Flexible grouping arrangements

Differentiation of activities and materials

Differentiated questioning

Use of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approaches

Awareness that a child/ young person may need more time to complete tasks

Routine feedback to students

Focussed guided reading and writing groups

Barriers to learning are considered and appropriate arrangements made to overcome these

Environmental considerations are made to meet the needs of all students eg seating position, personal space, classroom layouts and displays and signage

Opportunities are provided for small group work based on identified need

A learning environment which supports following routines and develops resilience

Access to adults who are skilled and experienced in supporting students with general and specific learning difficulties

Make reasonable adjustments: breaks and transition arrangements

Materials which reduce or support

Effective use of IT equipment to support learning

Class teachers/ SENDCo make good use of recommendations from outside agencies/ specialists

Teaching assistants are used flexibly so that the teacher can focus on individuals and groups

Some use of small group/ 1-1 programmes planned by the teacher and delivered by a SEND Support Assistant to address specific difficulties

Whole school/ settings systems evaluate the impact of interventions and monitor the quality of teaching and learning

Some withdrawal for short periods with planned learning

Advice from external agencies is implemented in the classroom

Enhanced opportunities to use technological skills

Emphasis on increasing differentiation of activities and materials within an inclusive curriculum to individual student level

Some adaptation to the National Curriculum programme of study may be necessary to reflect attainment

Routine opportunities for over learning and practice of basic skills on a daily basis

Flexible seating arrangements enable the child/ young person to interact and learn with a range of peers

Specialist, highly skilled and trained staff

Alternative ways to record work are offered

Support to build a personal profile of interests and ambitions