SEND Support at Conyers
Please contact
Claire Pack
Trust Director of SEND
As Director of SEND for the 1590 Trust , I work closely with our Trust schools to support the needs of students in their settings. In addition I am SENCO at Conyers and I am responsible for ensuring that school SEND policy is operational; coordinating provision for SEND students. Day to day I manage Conyers SEND Team and oversee the progression and welfare of all SEND students in the school.
Tom Straker
Assistant SENCO
I oversee the EMS (Enhanced Mainstream School) students and additional needs classes. My responsibilities are focused on the welfare of these students and monitoring their progress, attendance and behaviour. I work alongside the SEND Support Team and teaching staff across the school.
Lauren Dalgarno
Assistant SENCO
My role is to oversee provision for SEND students across the school, ensuring their needs are met and support is in place. I was previously the Lead Practitioner for English and recently joined the SEN team in September 2022.
Peter Ridley
SEND Support Manager
I am one of the SEND Support Managers at Conyers school. My role is to oversee support for SEND students within our school environment either by organising support in class, through intervention or liaising with teachers. I manage a team of SEND support assistants.
Max Dale
SEND Support Manager
I am the Year 6 transition lead for our Enhanced Mainstream and SEND students which means that I am involved in the Year 6 SEND consultation process and transition each year. This involves visiting primary schools, observing the students and chatting to the Year 6 teachers and SENCO’s. I am also a SEND support manager to a team of SEND support assistants whose role is to support students with their additional needs.
SEND Governance
Care, Support & Guidance Committee
SEND Support Assistants
Victoria Allan
Yadigar Brannan
Pauline Carter
Pippa Clark
Janet Conway
Jemma Kirk
Pat Thomas
Pastoral Team
Nici Bolton
Jo Croft
Sam Dyball
Sheila Littlefair
Ian Livesey
Jon Morris
Gemma Franklin