Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Conyers School offer for Sensory and Physical Needs:
Promote an ethos and environment that: promotes respect and values diversity; sets high expectations; plays a role in supporting the child/ young person to be resilient and mentally healthy; develops a supportive setting and classroom climate; explicitly teaches social and emotional skills, attitude and values
Provide clear boundaries and robust policies
A whole school approach so that all staff respond to children/ young people in a consistent way
A commitment to promoting the emotional wellbeing of staff and students
Promoting good mental health is the responsibility of all members of school staff and community. All staff should have an awareness
Understand the causes of behaviour and use effective approaches to behaviour management
Seek appropriate support for children/ young people experiencing negative experience and distressing events, including referrals to appropriate services eg Child and Mental Health Service [CAMHS], Early Help, counselling services, etc
Personalise reward systems covering targeted lessons/ activities, known to all relevant school staff
Careful consideration of group dynamics within the class
Individual or small group support for emotional literacy eg recognising emotions
Oversight when moving between location/ classroom
Use of key working approaches to ensure the child/ young person has a trusted adult to offer support during vulnerable times
Individualised support to implement recommendations from support services
Time limited intervention programme with staff who have knowledge and skills to address specific needs, may include withdrawal for individual programmes
Identified individual support across the curriculum in an inclusive setting
Personalise reward system
Time limited intervention programmes
Individualised support to implement recommendations for relevant professionals
Teaching focusing on both learning and social emotional curriculum
Personalised pathway is a priority to re-engage with education
Support through solution-focused approaches and regular supervision for staff working with the child/ young person
Child/ young person able to leave the classroom at regular intervals to self-regulate
De-escalation, Team Teach, Thrive, Bereavement support