Mr L Matterson | |
Key Stage 5 Curriculum Map
Curriculum Intent
The intention of A level Economics is to develop students with an interest in and enthusiasm for Economics and appreciate the contribution of economics to the understanding of the wider economic and social environment. To develop an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of Economics and develop an ability to think as an economist through understanding that economic behaviour can be studied from a range of perspectives. To develop analytical and quantitative skills, together with qualities and attitudes which will equip them for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult and working life.
Key Knowledge and Skills
Economics requires students to think analytically and form opinions on the key economic debates of the moment. Students will be expected to acquire competence in quantitative skills that are relevant to the subject content and be familiar with the various types of statistical and other data which are commonly used by economists. Students have the opportunity to explore the disagreements that exist between economists and current economic controversies. During their course of study, they should come to appreciate why such disagreements exist and the basis upon which judgements are made. They will be assessed on their ability to use both quantitative and qualitative evidence to evaluate arguments and to support judgements relating to economic issues and problems.
Sequence Discussion
3.1 provides the students with an introduction to the study of Economics through the microeconomic perspective of individuals, firms, markets and the role of government in facilitating how markets operate. 4.1.2 and the study of behavioural economics is incorporated into this as a means of discussing alternative less traditional economic policies that governments can use to correct market failure. This will be assessed in Year 12 trial exams. These will put the foundations in place for students to then move onto 3.2 by considering our economy in a wider global context in half term 3 – looking at key national and international economic issues ranging from inflation to supply-side policies to improve the performance of the UK economy as a whole. In half term 5, Year 13 content begins with traditional Microeconomics topics related to the theory of the firm. The synoptic paper 3 students will undertake at the end of the course necessitates numerous micro/macro cross-topic links and case studies to be explored which are built into assessment throughout the year.
Year 12
Half Term 1
3.1 The operation of markets and market failure
Half Term 2
3.1 The operation of markets and market failure
Half Term 3
3.1 The operation of markets and market failure
3.2 The national economy in a
global context
Half Term 4
3.2 The national economy in a
global context
Half Term 5
3.2 The national economy in a
global context
4.1 Individuals, firms, markets and market failure
Half Term 6
4.1 Individuals, firms, markets and market failure
Year 13
Half Term 1
4.1 Individuals, firms, markets and market failure
Half Term 2
4.1 Individuals, firms, markets and market failure
Half Term 3
4.1 Individuals, firms, markets and market failure
4.2 The National and International Economy
Half Term 4
4.2 The National and International Economy